dmarcian – DMARC Monitor

Stop email impersonation & phishing attacks with dmarcian DMARC Monitor

Domain’s without proper SPF, DKIM & DMARC records are spoofable as it is not protected against abuse by phishers and spammers and receivers cannot reliably separate and block fraudulent emails that mimic your domain. DMARC Monitor helps you with email security to prevent email spoofing.

SPF is a way for Internet Service Providers to verify that a mail server (IP address) is authorized to send an email for a specific domain. To use SPF, the administrator of an email domain publishes a list of servers or IP addresses that are allowed to send an email on behalf of the domain. When a sender tries to hand off an email to an email “receiving” sever for delivery, the email server checks to see if the sender is on the domain’s list of allowed senders. If so, then a link has been established between the piece of email and the email domain. SPF has become exceedingly important to help verify which sending infrastructure can send emails on behalf of your domain and directly impacts the deliverability. SPF validation requires specifying individual or ranges of IP addresses that are authorized to send emails on your behalf.

DKIM is a technology that is used to link a piece of email back to a domain. When an email is sent, it is signed using a private domain key and then validated on the receiving mail server (or ISP) using a public key that is located within the DNS. This action authenticates that the content of the email was not modified during its transfer. It prevents someone from intercepting your email, altering it, then sending it along with altered information. DKIM signatures can survive forwarding, which makes them superior to SPF and a great way to secure your email. Together when monitored on a domain, SPF and DKIM are how we can tell you what’s happening and how to add specific DMARC policies based on this feedback. You can always verify if an email message has been properly signed with DKIM or is passing SPF by simply checking the message headers within the code.

DMARC is a technical specification that describes how to make email easy to identify. Email senders are given precise directions on how to configure their email. Email receivers use DMARC monitor to verify that email comes from the Internet domain that it claims to come from. People who operate their own Internet email domain deploy DMARC. By always sending DMARC compliant email, the operator of the Internet domain can tell the world “everything I send is easy to identify using DMARC monitor — feel free to drop fake email that pretends to be me.”

Stop email impersonation & phishing attacks with dmarcian DMARC Monitor

Domain’s without proper SPF, DKIM & DMARC records are spoofable as it is not protected against abuse by phishers and spammers and receivers cannot reliably separate and block fraudulent emails that mimic your domain. dmarcian DMARC Monitor helps you with email security to prevent email spoofing.

SPF is a way for Internet Service Providers to verify that a mail server (IP address) is authorized to send an email for a specific domain. To use SPF, the administrator of an email domain publishes a list of servers or IP addresses that are allowed to send an email on behalf of the domain. When a sender tries to hand-off email to an email “receiving” sever for delivery, the email server checks to see if the sender is on the domain’s list of allowed senders. If so, then a link has been established between the piece of email and the email domain. SPF has become exceedingly important to help verify which sending infrastructure can send emails on behalf of your domain and directly impacts the deliverability. SPF validation requires specifying individual or ranges of IP addresses that are authorized to send emails on your behalf.

DKIM is a technology that is used to link a piece of email back to a domain. When an email is sent, it is signed using a private domain key and then validated on the receiving mail server (or ISP) using a public key that is located within the DNS. This action authenticates that the content of the email was not modified during its transfer. It prevents someone from intercepting your email, altering it, then sending it along with altered information. DKIM signatures can survive forwarding, which makes it superior to SPF and a great way to secure your email. Together when monitored on a domain, SPF and DKIM are how we can tell you what’s happening and how to add specific DMARC policies based on this feedback. You can always verify if an email message has been properly signed with DKIM or is passing SPF by simply checking the message headers within the code.

DMARC is a technical specification that describes how to make email easy to identify. Email senders are given precise directions on how to configure their email. Email receivers use DMARC monitor to verify that email comes from the Internet domain that it claims to come from. People who operate their own Internet email domain deploy DMARC. By always sending DMARC compliant email, the operator of the Internet domain can tell the world “everything I send is easy to identify using DMARC monitor — feel free to drop fake email that pretends to be me.”

The benefits of protecting domains with DMARC monitor

If you use email, you’ll benefit by incorporating dmarcian DMARC Monitor. When strong security controls are deployed against fraudulent email, delivery is simplified, brand reliability increases, and visibility is granted to domain owners on how their domains are being used around the internet.


Disallow unauthorized use of your email domain to protect people from spam, fraud, and phishing.


Gain visibility into who and what across the Internet is sending email using your email domain.


Use the same modern plumbing that mega companies use to deliver email.


Make your email easy to identify across the huge and growing footprint of DMARC – capable receivers.

DMARC Monitor & control with dmarcian

dmarcian DMARC SaaS platform receives, processes and classifies mail observed from your domain namespace and makes sense of it for you. The native XML format in which DMARC data is transmitted is not intended for human consumption. The dmarcian platform visualizes the data in powerful and meaningful ways so you can quickly identify authentication gaps (SPF/DKIM) and unauthorized use of your domains.

You can check DMARC monitor settings of your domain here

DMARC Monitor

dmarcian DMARC Monitor

dmarcian is the leading full-service provider of DMARC.

Founded in 2012 by one of the primary authors of the DMARC specification, dmarcian is dedicated to upgrading the entire world’s email by making DMARC accessible to all. dmarcian brings together thousands of senders, vendors, and operators in a common effort to build DMARC into the email ecosystem. The customers range from banks and top internet properties to governments, marketing agencies, telecoms, nonprofits, and commercial enterprises of all sizes.

DMARC, (Domain-based  Message Authentication Reporting, & Conformance) an open-source standard, uses a concept called alignment to tie the result of two other open source standards, SPF (a published list of servers that are authorized to send email on behalf of a domain) and DKIM (a tamper-evident domain seal associated with a piece of email), to the content of an email. If not already deployed, putting a DMARC record into place for your domain will give you feedback that will allow you to troubleshoot your SPF and DKIM configurations if needed.

Adopting DMARC involves creating a DMARC record, publishing it, and using the information that is generated to gain insight and control over the way your domains are handling email. DMARC helps legitimize your email by doing two things:

  • Gives feedback about the email itself, including information about SPF and/or DKIM alignment.
  • Tells email receivers (like Gmail and Yahoo) how to handle messages that fail to align with those protocols.

dmarcian DMARC Monitor can assist your organization in every step of the way, from deploying the underlying technologies of DMARC, to making sense of the data that it generates, to gaining full insight and control to the way your email domains are being used.

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